life sciences

On 18 December 2024, the European Commission published a proposed implementing regulation relating to pharmacovigilance (“PV”) requirements for human medicines marketed in the EU (“Proposal”), which will update European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 520/2012 (“Implementing Regulation”).  While the core PV requirements, including the obligation to establish and operate a PV system and the key reporting requirements, are set out in Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and Directive 2001/83/EC, the Implementing Regulation provides detailed requirements on the performance of PV activities, including the need for a PV system master file (“PSMF”), more comprehensive requirements for the PV quality system, and detailed provisions relating to periodic safety update reports (“PSURs”). 

The proposed changes aim to harmonize the performance of PV activities by marketing authorization holders (“MAHs”), national competent authorities and the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”), and in some cases widen the scope of the Implementing Regulation’s PV requirements.  Other changes are clarificatory in nature.Continue Reading European Commission Consults on Update to Pharmacovigilance Rules

In recent weeks, the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”) has published further guidance relating to the implementation of the Windsor Framework.  From 1 January 2025, changes due to the Windsor Framework for the licensing, labelling and wholesale dealing of human medicinal products in the UK will become effective.  The new measures require, amongst other things: (i) all human medicinal products intended for the UK market to be authorized by the MHRA; (ii) a single UK-wide pack that bears a “UK only” label; and (iii) disapplication of the EU Falsified Medicines Directive 2011/62/EU (“EU FMD”) requirements to UK-wide packs. 

Following the MHRA’s initial publication of guidance focusing on the changes to labelling and packaging (please see our blog post here), the Agency has now issued guidance relating to wholesalers and manufacturers (“Wholesaler and Manufacturer Guidance), licensing (“Licensing Guidance”) and advertising (“Advertising Guidance”).

We explore some of the key requirements and recommendations for supply chains and promotional material arising from this new guidance below.Continue Reading Are you Windsor Framework ready? A focus on pharmaceutical supply chains and promotional material

In an earlier blog, we had reported on an interesting litigation case concerning the legal scope of the market exclusivity right for orphan drugs in the EU. Meanwhile, there have been further developments in this court case and its key questions have now been referred to the European Court

Continue Reading European Court of Justice requested to clarify the scope of the market exclusivity right for orphan drugs – German courts remain divided

On 1 July 2024, Germany has enacted stricter requirements for the processing of health data when using cloud-computing services. The new Section 393 SGB V aims to establish a uniform standard for the use of cloud-computing services in the statutory healthcare system which covers around 90% of the German population. In this blog

Continue Reading Germany enacts stricter requirements for the processing of Health Data using Cloud-Computing – with potential side effects for Medical Research with Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

Last week, on 4 July 2024, the German Parliament (Bundestag) has passed significant changes to the country’s drug pricing and reimbursement laws. Just six months after the German Federal Health Ministry (BMG) presented a first draft bill for a “Medical Research Act” (Medizinforschungsgesetz or MFG), the German

Continue Reading Germany amends drug pricing and reimbursement laws with “Medical Research Act” – Drug pricing becomes intertwined with local clinical research expectations

1.  Background

Gene and cell therapies are on the rise. On June 12, 2024, the German Federal Government was handed the strategy paper for a National Strategy for Gene and Cell Therapies. The paper is intended to serve as a basis for policymaking to give Germany a leading

Continue Reading Germany prepares new National Strategy for Gene and Cell Therapies

On 10 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Commission proposal to reform the core EU pharmaceutical legislation (see here and here).  In doing so, the European Parliament has met its ambitious timeline to adopt its position before the upcoming Parliamentary elections and marks a significant step in the legislative process. 

Parliament’s position comes less than a year since the Commission published its proposal, which consists of a new directive replacing Directive 2001/83/EC and a new master regulation replacing Regulation 726/2004, which will also consolidate the orphan and pediatric medicines regulations (see our prior EU Pharma Legislation Review blog series).  Many of Parliament’s amendments to the Commission proposal will be seen as improvements by the innovative industry, but there remain challenges and unresolved questions.

We provide below the top 8 takeaways for industry to consider during the next phase of the legislative process, which is a detailed review by the Council.Continue Reading European Parliament adopts its Position on EU Pharma Law Review: 8 Key Takeaways for Industry

The High Court has quashed decisions by the Food Standard Agencies in England, Wales and Scotland (“the FSAs”) that concluded that monk fruit decoctions are a novel food.  The Court ordered the FSAs to re-consider their position by assessing all of the evidence submitted to the FSAs on its own merits, rather than the FSAs’ previous approach of rigidly applying (non‑binding) European Union guidance.  The judgment is available here.  This case is the first of its kind in Great Britain and is relevant for individuals and companies considering whether or not their foods or food ingredients are novel under the GB novel food regime, which requires evidence of significant consumption of a food prior to 1 May 1997 to conclude the food is “non‑novel”, and not requiring a novel food approval. Continue Reading Food Standard Agencies in Great Britain unlawfully classified monk fruit as novel, High Court rules

On March 11, 2023, the UK Government published its response (“Government Response”) to an independent review on equity in medical devices commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (“Review”).  The Government Response is not guidance nor policy rather it is intended to act as an action plan for tackling potential bias in the design and use of medical devices.  The Government Response fully accepts, and in turn makes a series of commitments in response to, the findings of the Review (which is broken down into 18 recommendations, 51 sub-recommendations, and 3 further calls to action).  Importantly, the Government “wholeheartedly agrees…that medical technology should be unbiased and equitable.” 

Bias in the medical device space, and within healthcare more broadly is (quite rightly) a topic of growing importance to governments, regulators and industry alike.  We set out some key points of interest from both the Review and the Government Response below.  We look forward to seeing more developments and guidance in this area going forwards given its significance to patients and the delivery of healthcare.  Continue Reading UK Government Outlines New Action to Tackle Biases in Medical Devices