In this episode of Covington’s Life Sciences Audiocast, Mosa Mkhize and Deon Govender discuss Regulatory and policy developments from South Africa: SAHPRA’s proposed Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy and its potential impact on license holders for medicines and medical devices
EU Talking Life Sciences Audiocast: Developments in the African Medicines Agency and Regulatory Convergence
By Mosa Mkhize & Grant Castle on
Posted in Africa, Life Sciences
In this episode of Covington’s Life Sciences Audiocast, Mosa Mkhize and Grant Castle discuss developments in the African Medicines Agency and regulatory convergence.
EU Talking Life Sciences Audiocast: WHO Prequalification Procedures in Africa
By Mosa Mkhize & Roderick Dirkzwager on
Posted in Africa, Life Sciences
In this episode of Covington’s Life Sciences Audiocast, Mosa Mkhize and Roderick Dirkzwager discuss WHO prequalification procedures in Africa.

EMA announces €10 million of funding to support the establishment of the African Medicines Agency
By Grant Castle, Mosa Mkhize & Roderick Dirkzwager on
On 26 January 2024, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that it has received a €10 million grant from the European Commission to support regulatory systems in Africa, and in particular for the setting up of the African Medicines Agency (AMA). Although still in its early stages as an agency…
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